
The design of the repository API is influenced by peewee, a nice and small python framework focusing on relational databases (sqlite, MySQL, PostgreSQL). The major difference between peewee and the built-in Appkernel ORM is that the later is optimised (and till this time) implemented only for MongoDB. However, it is possible to create your own implementation for SQL or any other database.

Basic CRUD (Created, Update, Delete) operations


You can follow all the examples in the Python’s interactive interpreter using the imports and the configuration snippet from below.

The following example is only required for the interactive interpreter or for unit tests. In this case we will use the MongoDB instance accessible on the localhost and will create a database called tutorial.

from appkernel import AppKernelEngine, Model, MongoRepository, Property, content_hasher, create_uuid_generator, Email, AuditableRepository, NotEmpty, date_now_generator, Past
from appkernel.configuration import config
from pymongo import MongoClient
from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from flask import Flask


For use in development or production you can choose between the following 2 options for configuration :

  • use the built-in Default configuration, where the Mongo database must be available on localhost and the database name will be app;
  • or use the built-in File based configuration management to provide more fine grained configuration;

Default configuration

Once the AppKernelEngine is initialised with no specific configuration and the enable_defaults parameter set to True, sensible defaults are used (localhost and app as database).

app = Flask(app_id)
kernel = AppKernelEngine(app_id, app=app, enable_defaults=True)

File based configuration

Upon initialisation Appkernel looks for a file ../cfg.yml, where the following parameters define a specific database connection:

    host: localhost
    db: appkernel

The host variable may contain the user and password parameters using the mongodb:// url schema.

Building a base model structure

Let’s create a simple project management app with some tasks in it:

class Priority(Enum):
    HIGH = 1
    MEDIUM = 2
    LOW = 3

class Task(Model, MongoRepository):
    name = Property(str, required=True, validators=[NotEmpty])
    description = Property(str, validators=[NotEmpty])
    completed = Property(bool, required=True, default_value=False)
    created = Property(datetime, required=True, generator=date_now_generator)
    closed_date = Property(datetime, validators=[Past])
    priority = Property(Priority, required=True, default_value=Priority.MEDIUM)

    def complete(self):
        self.completed = True
        self.closed_date =

class Project(Model, AuditableRepository):
    id = Property(str)
    name = Property(str, required=True, validators=[NotEmpty()])
    tasks = Property(list, sub_type=Task)
    created = Property(datetime, required=True, generator=date_now_generator)

Saving and updating

Now we are ready to define our first Project with some Tasks in it:

project = Project(name='some test project')
project.append_to(tasks=Task(name='finish the documentation', priority=Priority.HIGH))
# or if you like one-liners, you can add multiple tasks at once
project.append_to(tasks=[Task(name='finish all todos'), Task(name='complete the unit tests')])

And the output looks sleek:

    "id": "OBJ_5b142be00df7a9647023f0b1",
    "created": "2018-06-03T19:54:06.830307",
    "name": "some test project",
    "tasks": [
            "completed": false,
            "created": "2018-06-03T19:53:38.149125",
            "name": "finish the documentation",
            "priority": "MEDIUM"
            "completed": false,
            "created": "2018-06-03T19:53:51.041349",
            "name": "finish all todos",
            "priority": "MEDIUM"
            "completed": false,
            "created": "2018-06-03T19:53:51.041380",
            "name": "complete the unit tests",
            "priority": "MEDIUM"

Now let’s complete the first task:


Observe the property completed which now is set to True and the closed_date having the value of the invocation date of the complete() method:

    "created": "2018-06-11T23:17:57.050000",
    "id": "OBJ_5b1ee7050df7a9087e0e8952",
    "inserted": "2018-06-11T23:17:57.050000",
    "name": "some test project",
    "tasks": [
            "closed_date": "2018-06-11T23:19:39.345000",
            "completed": true,
            "created": "2018-06-11T23:17:57.050000",
            "name": "finish the documentation",
            "priority": "HIGH"
            "completed": false,
            "created": "2018-06-11T23:17:57.050000",
            "name": "finish all todos",
            "priority": "MEDIUM"
            "completed": false,
            "created": "2018-06-11T23:17:57.050000",
            "name": "complete the unit tests",
            "priority": "MEDIUM"
    "updated": "2018-06-11T23:19:46.428000",
    "version": 2

Advanced Functionality

Appkernel allows you to perform atomic updates. Let’s suppose we need to update some counters. The naive approach would be to write something like this:

for stock in Stock.find((Stock.product.code == 'BTX') & (Stock.product.size == ProductSize.L)):
if stock.avaialable > 0:
    stock.avaialable = stock.avaialable - 1
    stock.reserved = stock.reserved + 1
    raise ReservationException('Not enough products on stock.')

Do not do this! Not only is this is slow, but it is also vulnerable to race conditions if multiple processes are updating the available and reserved counters at the same time. Instead, you can update the counters atomically using update():

query = Stock.where((Stock.product.code == 'BTX') & (Stock.product.size == ProductSize.L))
res = query.update(available=Stock.available - quantity, reserved=Stock.reserved + quantity)
if res == 0:
    raise ReservationException(
        f"There's no stock available for code: BTX and size: L.")
elif res > 1:
    raise ReservationException(f"Multiple product items were reserved ({res}).")

You can make these update statements as complex as you like.

Auditable Repository

You might have observed that there are a few extra fields, which we didn’t defined on the model explicitly. This is happening due to the AuditableRepository class we’ve used in the very beginning. This will bring a few additional features to the mix:

  • inserted: the date and time when the object was inserted to the database;
  • updated: the date and time when the object was updated for the last time;
  • version: the number of updates on this class;

Of course we could have stayed with the simpler MongoRepository in case we are not in need of the extra magic for auditing our data model.

Delete objects

We can check the number of projects quickly:


Once we don’t need the project anymore we can issue the delete command:


You can delete all projects at once:


Querying data

Appkernel provides a simple abstraction over the native MongoDB queries, simplifying your job for most of the queries. The query expressions can be provided as parameter to the:

  • find method: returns a generator, which can be used to iterate over the result set;
  • find_one method: returns the first hit or None, if nothing matches the query criteria;
  • where method: returns the Query object, which allows the chaining of further expressions, such as sort;

A simple example:

prj = Project.find_one( == 'some test project')

Or use property name chaining for searching all project which contain the word ‘finish’ in their task description:

prj = Project.find_one( % 'finish')

An alternative way to achieve the same target:

prj2 = Project.find_one(Project.tasks[ == 'finish the documentation'])

Or you can iterate through all occurrences…

for project in Project.find():

Or iterate through the ones which fit a query condition:

for prj in Project.find( == 'some test project'):

… and sort the result in a particular order:

query = Project.where( == 'some test project').sort_by(Project.created.asc())
for prj in query.find():

Adding multiple expressions to the query is also straightforward:

yesterday = datetime.combine(date(2018, 6, 10), datetime.min.time())
today = datetime.combine(date(2018, 6, 11), datetime.min.time())
prj = Project.find_one((Project.created > yesterday) & (Project.created < today))

Query expressions

Find by ID

Find a project knowing its exact id:

prj = Project.find_by_id('5b1ee9930df7a9087e0e8953')

Exact match

Returns where the field name exactly matches: ‘Project A’:

prj = Project.find_one(( == 'Project A'))

Not equal

Return all projects except ‘Project A’:

prj = Project.find_one(( != 'Project A'))


Returns ‘Project A’ or ‘Project B’:

prj = Project.find_one(( == 'Project A') | ( == 'Project B'))


Returns every project named ‘Project A’ created after yesterday:

yesterday = ( - timedelta(days=1))
prj = Project.find_one(( == 'Project A') & (Project.created > yesterday))

Empty Array

Find all Projects with no tasks:

prj = Project.find_one(Project.tasks == None)


Find all projects which has at least one task containing the string ‘finish’:

prj = Project.find_one( % 'finish')

Also you can query for values in an array. The following query will return all users, who are having the Role Admin and Operator:

User.find(User.roles % ['Admin', 'Operator'])

Does not exists

Return all users which have no defined description field:

User.find(User.description == None)

Value exists (not None)

Return all users which has description field:

User.find(User.description != None)

Smaller and bigger

Return all projects created between a well defined period of time:

yesterday = ( - timedelta(days=1))
tomorrow = ( + timedelta(days=1))
user_iterator = Project.find((User.created > yesterday) & (User.created < tomorrow))

Query with custom properties

Sometimes the object model does not contains a property but the field is available in the database. Think about the AuditableRepository which automatically creates extra fields such as object version. In case we’d like to search all documents with version 2, the custom property comes handy:

project = Project.find_one(Project.custom_property('version') == 2)

Native Queries

Appkernel’s built-in ORM tries to cover the common use-cases and it will be further developed in the future, however in case there’s a need for special and very complex query, we might want to fallback to MongoDB’s native query.

for p in Project.find_by_query({'counter': {'$gte': 0, '$lt': 10}}):
    print 'Project name: {} and counter: {}'.format(, p.counter)

Alternatively you can also access a reference to a PyMongo Collection object via the Model’s get_collection method.

mongo_document = Project.get_collection().find_one(filter)

For more details on what can you do via the collection reference, please consult the pymongo documentation.

Bulk insert

Sometimes you’re in need to insert (upsert) multiple objects at once:

def create_user_batch(urange=51):
users = []
for i in range(1, urange):
    users.append(User().update(name='multi_user_{}'.format(i)).update(password='some default password'). \
        append_to(roles=['Admin', 'User', 'Operator']).update(description='some description').update(
return users
ids = User.bulk_insert(create_user_batch()

Index management

In order to speed up lookup for certain fields, you might want to add indexes to certain properties. This can be easily achieved by using the index parameter of the Property class. Let’s redefine the Project class:

class Project(Model, AuditableRepository):
    name = Property(str, required=True, validators=[NotEmpty()], index=UniqueIndex)
    created = Property(datetime, required=True, generator=date_now_generator, index=Index)


Mind the index=UniqueIndex on the name property and the index=Index on the created property. The idea behind the Unique Index is to avoid accidental project name duplication, while the normal Index on the created field will speed up the search and sorting by created date.

Built-in Indexes

  • Index: used to speed up queries (also will slow insertion, so use it with care);
  • UniqueIndex: will make sure that the value exists only once in the database;
  • TextIndex: can be used all string fields and helps with full-text search;

For more information on indexes, please have look on Mongo’s documentation;

Schema Installation

MongoDB started its life as a schema less database, however the advantages of applying a schema on a database was soon recognized by the Mongo folks. Data integrity is assured by enforcing validation on inserts and udpates.

MongoDB now supports a subset of JSON Schema which can be used to validate field against type information or matching a regular expression or set of Enum values. The Mongo Specific JSON schema can be generated by Appkernel’s Model and installed by the childs of MongoRepository.


The validation_action can take the value:

  • error - in case an object is not valid, the insertion will be rejected;
  • warning - in case of a schema validation error, only a log-line is registered in MongoDB;

Supported Repository Types

All repositories are extending the Repository base class. This class serves as an Interface (so a sort of an implementation guideline, since the Interface concept is not supported by Python) for all other repository implementations.

  • MongoRepository - standard repository functionality providing access to MongoDB;
  • AuditableRepository - an extended repository, which will save the user, document creation date and some other, useful metadata information;

Advanced Functionality

Accessing the native pymongo collection class opens a lot of new opportunities.

Dropping the collection

Will drop the complete collection:


Check index information

The index information can be retrieved:

idx_info = User.get_collection().index_information()

… or alternatively:


Aggregation Pipeline

Mongo features a very powerful map-reduce tool called Aggregation Pipeline, very useful for complicated queries:

pipeline = [{'$match': ...}, {'$group': ...}]