
REST endpoints over HTTP

Exposing your models over HTTP/REST is easy and Custom resource endpoints are supported as well.

Let’s assume that we have created a User class extending the Model. Now we’d like to expose it as a REST endpoint:

class User(Model, MongoRepository):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Flask(__name__)
    kernel = AppKernelEngine('demo app', app=app)

The register method from the above example will expose the User entity at http://localhost/users with the GET method supported by default. In case we would like to add support for the rest of the HTTP methods (pun intended), we would need to explicitly specify them in the register method (for more details check out the Full range of CRUD operations section).

kernel.register(User methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])

Securing service access is also no-brainer:

user_service = kernel.register(User methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
user_service.deny_all().require(Role('user'), methods='GET').require(Role('admin'),
                                                                     methods=['PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])

The configuration above will permit the access of the GET method to all clients authenticated with the role user, however it requires the role admin for the rest of the HTTP methods. Check out the details in the Role Based Access Management section for more details.

Full range of CRUD operations

Appkernel follows the REST convention for CRUD ((CR)eate(U)pdate(D)elete) operations:

  • GET: to retrieve all, some or one model instance (entity);
  • POST: to create a new entity or update an existing one;
  • PUT: to replace an existing model instance;
  • PATCH: to add or remove selected properties from an existing model instance;
  • DELETE: to delete an existing model instance;

The path is automatically created from the class-name by convention.



This will expose the User model under: http://localhost/user.

The user with ID 12345678912 will be accessible at: http://localhost/user/12345678912

In case you would like to use a path prefix (eg. for verioning the API) you can register the model with a url_base segment:

kernel.register(User, url_base='/api/v1/')

In this case the User model is available at http://localhost/api/v1/user and http://localhost/api/v1/user/12345678912 respectively.

Let’s check out one example with curls -X get http://localhost/api/v1/user/U9dbd7a25-8059-4005-8067-09093d9e4b06:

    "_links": {
        "collection": {
            "href": "/users/",
            "methods": "GET"
        "self": {
            "href": "/users/U9dbd7a25-8059-4005-8067-09093d9e4b06",
            "methods": [
    "_type": "User",
    "created": "2018-06-22T21:59:34.812000",
    "id": "U9dbd7a25-8059-4005-8067-09093d9e4b06",
    "name": "some_user"

In case the ID is not found in the database, a 404 Not found error will be returned.

Response: 404 NOT FOUND -> {
    "_type": "ErrorMessage",
    "code": 404,
    "message": "Document with id 1234 is not found."

Delete Model

Deleting an object is simple as well. Only that the method needs to be changed from GET to DELETE in the request.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost/U9dbd7a25-8059-4005-8067-09093d9e4b06
Response: 200 OK -> {
    "_type": "OperationResult",
    "result": 1

Create (POST)

Use json body for creating new instances:

curl -X POST --data {"birth_date": "1980-06-30T00:00:00", "description": "some description", "name": "some_user", "password": "some_pass", "roles": ["User", "Admin", "Operator"]} http://localhost/users/

Response: 201 CREATED -> {
    "_type": "OperationResult",
    "result": "U956c0b3c-cf5d-4bf5-beef-370cd7217383"

Alternatively you can send data as multi-part form data:

curl -X POST \
    -F name="some_user" \
    -F description="soe" \
    -F password="some pass" \
    -F birth_date="1980-06-30T00:00:00" \
    -F roles=["User", "Admin", "Operator"] \

Response: 201 CREATED ->
    "_type": "OperationResult",
    "result": "U0054c3b6-dc0a-43ef-a10f-1ff705e90c36"

Filtering and Sorting

Query parameters are added to the end of the URL with a ‘?’ mark. You can use any of the properties defined on the Model class. You can chain multiple parameters with the ‘&’ (and) mark.


Search users with a birth date between date:

curl http://localhost/users/?birth_date=>1980-06-30&birth_date=<1985-08-01&logic=AND


Search for users which contain Jane in the name property:

curl http://localhost/users/?name=~Jane

You can also search values within an array

curl http://localhost/users/?roles=~Admin


Search value within an array:

curl http://localhost/users/?name=[Jane,John]


You can search for Jane or John:

curl http://localhost/users/?name=Jane&name=John&logic=OR


curl http://localhost/users/?name=~Jane&&enabled=false

Not equal

Search all users which does not contain Max in the name property:

curl http://localhost/users/?name=!Max

Using Mongo query expression

Native Mongo Queries can be always provided as query parameters:

curl http://localhost/users/?query={"$or":[{"name":"John"}, {"name":"Jane"}]}


Sorting the result set is also easy, by using the sort_by expression:

curl http://localhost/users/?birth_date=>1980-06-30&sort_by=birth_date

Additionally you can specify the sort order:

curl http://localhost/users/?birth_date=>1980-06-30&sort_by=sequence&sort_order=DESC

Custom resource endpoints

The built-in CRUD operations might be a good start for your application, however we would quickly run into situation where custom functionality needs to be exposed to the API consumers. In such cases the @action decorator comes handy. Let’s suppose we need to provide the result of a specific method on the User:

class User(Model, MongoRepository):

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description

And we’re ready to go, you have a new endpoint returning the description property of the value and any user with the role Anonymous can access it:

curl http://localhost/users/U32268472-d9e3-46d9-86a2-a80926bd770b/get_description

Now one can argue, that this example is not utterly useful, a statement which in this case might not be very far from the common perception. However there’s much more into it. Let’s say that we’d like to enable the user and the admin to change the password for the User:

@action(method='POST', require=[CurrentSubject(), Role('admin')])
def change_password(self, current_password, new_password):
    if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(current_password, self.password):
        raise ServiceException(403, _('Current password is not correct'))
        self.password = new_password
    return _('Password changed')

The CurrentSubject and Role authority controls who can access the method:

  • CurrentSubject: in case the JWT token subject is identical with the model id, the access to the method is granted;
  • Role: enables any user having the required role type call the method;


By default HATEOAS support is enabled when a domain object is registered with Appkernel (kernel.register(User)). This means the return result-set includes browseable urls, exposing the existing methods to your API consumer.

  "_links": {
    "change_password": {
      "args": [
      "href": "/users/Ua4453112-0e7a-4f10-b95b-0d9b88493193/change_password",
      "methods": "POST"
    "collection": {
      "href": "/users/",
      "methods": "GET"
    "get_description": {
      "href": "/users/Ua4453112-0e7a-4f10-b95b-0d9b88493193/get_description",
      "methods": "GET"
    "self": {
      "href": "/users/Ua4453112-0e7a-4f10-b95b-0d9b88493193",
      "methods": [
  "_type": "User",
  "created": "2018-07-08T16:05:25.539000",
  "description": "test description",
  "id": "Ua4453112-0e7a-4f10-b95b-0d9b88493193",
  "name": "test user",
  "roles": [

Would you not want to use the HATEOAS feature, you can chose to disable it at the Model registration phase kernel.register(User, enable_hateoas=False).

HTTP Method Hooks

before_’http-method’ after_’http-method’

So for post we could implement:

@classmethod def before_post(cls, *args, **kwargs):

order = kwargs[‘model’]

Shema and metadata

All models provide JSON schema and a metatada to help frontend UI generation and data validation in frontends. Accessing the JSON schema is easy by calling “http://root_url/{model_name}/schema”

curl http://localhost/users/schema

Accessing the metadata by calling “http://root_url/{model_name}/meta” is easy too:

curl http://localhost/users/meta

Powered by Flask

The REST service engine uses Flask under the hood, therefore the reference to the flask app is always available at