How does it works?

Base Model

AppKernel is built around the concepts of Domain Driven Design. You can start the project by laying out the model (the Entity).


All the example code below was tested in Python’s interactive console so that you can follow this documentation by trying out the code snippets. A pre-requisite is a working Mongodb (at least version 3.6.4 to enjoy all the features) and preferably an activated virtual-environment with the appkernel and its dependencies installed;

The Model class represents the data in our application and stands at the heart of the architecture. As a first step we define the Properties (fields) of our new domain model object as static class variable.

class User(Model):
    id = Property(str)
    name = Property(str)
    email = Property(str)
    password = Property(str)
    roles = Property(list, sub_type=str)

By this time we’ve got for free a keyword argument constructor (__init__ method), a json and dict representation of the class:

u = User(name='some name', email='some name')
u.password='some pass'

'<User> {"email": "some name", "name": "some name", "password": "some pass"}'

'{"email": "some name", "name": "some name", "password": "some pass"}'

Or in case we want a pretty printed Json we can do:

    "email": "some name",
    "name": "some name",
    "password": "some pass"

As a next step we can add some validation rules and a few default values, just to make life a bit easier:

class User(Model):
    id = Property(str)
    name = Property(str, required=True)
    email = Property(str, validators=[Email])
    password = Property(str, required=True)
    roles = Property(list, sub_type=str, default_value=['Login'])

And let’s try to list the properties again:

u = User(name='some name', email='some name')
'<User> {"email": "some name", "name": "some name"}'
ValidationException: REGEXP on type str - The property email cannot be validated against (?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[-!#-[]-]|\[--])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:(2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]))\.){3}(?:(2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[-!-ZS-]|\[--])+)\])

Whoops… that’s quite a big fat error message with a long regular expression :P …but wait a minute, that’s desired behaviour since we didn’t provided a proper e-mail address. Let’s try it again:''
PropertyRequiredException: The property [password] on class [User] is required.

Yeah, that’s expected too, since we missed the required password. Final round:

u.password='some pass'
    "email": "",
    "name": "some name",
    "password": "some pass",
    "roles": [

Observe how the default value on the roles property is added automagically :)

So far so good, but what if I just want to validate the class in my business logic, without generating json? Despair not my friend, there’s a handy method for it as well:


Ohh, that looks nice… but wait a minute, why it is called finalise and validate, why not just validate?

Well, because we have thought that there are few more use-cases beyond validation and default value generation. We thought it makes sense to add some finalisation methods called generators and value converters, where:

  • a generator will generate some value upon the finalisation of the object (eg. custom IDs or instance creation dates)
  • the converters will convert already existing values to something else (eg. passwords are hashed, date-times are converted back and forth to/from UNIX time, etc.)

Let’s add a bit more magic to the mix :)

class User(Model):
    id = Property(str, generator=create_uuid_generator('U'))
    name = Property(str, required=True)
    email = Property(str, validators=[Email])
    password = Property(str, required=True, converter=content_hasher())
    roles = Property(list, sub_type=str, default_value=['Login'])

u = User(name='some name', email='', password='some pass')

… generating the following output:

    "email": "",
    "id": "U013333e7-9f23-4e9d-80de-480505535cad",
    "name": "some name",
    "password": "$pbkdf2-sha256$20000$C0GI8f4/B2AsRah1LiWE8A$2KBVlwBMtaoy1c2dhNORCETNEwssKMnYvB5NAPbkg1s",
    "roles": [

whoaaa.. what happened here:

  • the id field got autogenerated and whenever we will receive a sample json we will know that describes a User model object, since the ID starts with ‘U’;
  • more interesting is the change happened to the password property: it was hashed, so it is all secured :)

Service classes

Now that we have our beautiful data encapsulating Model classes, let’s do something useful with them (such as save in the database or expose them as REST services).


We start by adding a pinch of augmentation with a few utility classes:

  • extend the Repository class (or its descendants) to add ORM functionality to the model (CRUD, Schema Generation, Indexing, etc.);
  • extend the Service class (or its descendants) to expose the model as a REST services (create new instances with POST, retrieve existing ones with GET or DELETE them);

Let’s restart our interactive python console * and add a short configuration and an import section to explore the features of a Repository. According to the Domain Driven Design specification: “the Repository contains methods for retrieving domain objects such that alternative storage implementations may be easily interchanged.

from appkernel import Model, MongoRepository, Property, content_hasher, create_uuid_generator, Email
from appkernel.configuration import config
from pymongo import MongoClient


class User(Model, MongoRepository):
    id = Property(str, generator=create_uuid_generator('U'))
    name = Property(str, required=True)
    email = Property(str, validators=[Email])
    password = Property(str, required=True, converter=content_hasher())
    roles = Property(list, sub_type=str, default_value=['Login'])

u = User(name='some name', email='', password='some pass')

It returns the ID of the saved Model object. Now let’s try to return it from the repository:

loaded_user = User.find_by_id(
<User> {"email": "", "id": "Ua727d463-26c8-4a47-9402-5683430d1bd0", "name": "some name", "password": "$pbkdf2-sha256$20000$KaW0lnKuNSakdG4NQcjZOw$9Nk4RWeszS.PWkNoW4slQdg7K376tsg610prUfjK3n8", "roles": ["Login"]}

Ok, let’s try a more advanced query:

user_at_acme = User.where('').find_one()

Giving the following output:

    "email": "",
    "id": "Ueeb4139a-1e35-43cd-ab69-7bc3b9104ae4",
    "name": "some name",
    "password": "$pbkdf2-sha256$20000$lrJ2jpEyhpCSUmpNaY1RSg$n13u6quqZA9FBVV.oDVD6GzjcKshac.3gDDm1lQfFE0",
    "roles": [

Getting rid of this user instance would be as simple as user_at_acme.delete(), however we won’t do it yet, since I want to show a few more tricks.

More you can find in the Repository section of this guide;

Rest Service

Let’s restart again our python console so we can expose the User model over REST permitting the creation and deletion from client applications. Doing so is super simple: the User class needs to extend the Service and we are all set.

from appkernel import Model, MongoRepository, Property, content_hasher, create_uuid_generator, Email, Service
from pymongo import MongoClient
from flask import Flask
from appkernel import AppKernelEngine

app = Flask('demo app')
kernel = AppKernelEngine('demo app', app=app, enable_defaults=True)

class User(Model, MongoRepository, Service):
    id = Property(str, generator=create_uuid_generator('U'))
    name = Property(str, required=True)
    email = Property(str, validators=[Email])
    password = Property(str, required=True, converter=content_hasher())
    roles = Property(list, sub_type=str, default_value=['Login'])

u = User(name='some name', email='', password='some pass')


Expected output:

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

At this moment we have a running REST service exposed on the Let’s try out the main functions in a sjel terminal console with curl:

curl -X GET

Provides you the following output:

  "_items": [
      "_type": "User",
      "email": "",
      "id": "U9c6785f5-b8b1-4801-a09c-a45109af1222",
      "name": "some name",
      "password": "$pbkdf2-sha256$20000$6z2nVMq5N8b4P8eYs1aK0Q$011JYdBICbRUr4YjI7QXJOkPm9X8PHLccVknwqQoQoA",
      "roles": [
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/users/"

Or one could search the database for users where the name contains the word ‘some’

curl -X GET ""

Or check the Model’s Json schema (which can be used for validation or user-interface generation):

curl -X GET
  "$schema": "",
  "additionalProperties": true,
  "properties": {
    "email": {
      "format": "email",
      "type": "string"
    "id": {
      "type": "string"
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "password": {
      "type": "string"
    "roles": {
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
      "type": "array"
  "required": [
  "title": "User",
  "type": "object"

There’s an alternative proprietary meta-data format further optimised for being used with Single Page Applications, which describes the Model in a way that is easy to be consumed by a frontend rendering logic:

curl -X GET
  "email": {
    "label": "",
    "required": false,
    "type": "str",
    "validators": [
        "type": "Email"
  "id": {
    "label": "",
    "required": false,
    "type": "str"
  "name": {
    "label": "",
    "required": true,
    "type": "str"
  "password": {
    "label": "User.password",
    "required": true,
    "type": "str"
  "roles": {
    "default_value": [
    "label": "User.roles",
    "required": false,
    "sub_type": "str",
    "type": "list"

How beautiful is that? There’s way more to it (such as field translation, detailed support for validation rules), described in the Service Section.

Let’s try to delete the previously sored User object (please note: the ID at the end of the URL will be different in your case, you need to copy paste from the previous request.)

curl -X DELETE ""
  "_type": "ErrorMessage",
  "code": 405,
  "message": "MethodNotAllowed/The method is not allowed for the requested URL."

Hmmm, why is that happening? the reason is that we didn’t explicitly defined the HTTP methods supported when we have registered the User Model and the default behaviour is to allow only ‘GET’ methods by default. In order to support DELETE and other methods we would need to register the model class with the series of desired methods.

kernel.register(User, methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])

Now we are ready to retry the deletion of the object.

curl -X DELETE ""
  "_type": "OperationResult",
  "result": 1

The OperationResult 1 shows that the deletion was successful.

Service Hooks

Once a Model is exposed as a REST service, CRUD operations

class Order(Model, MongoRepository, Service):
    id = Property(str, generator=create_uuid_generator('O'))
    products = Property(list, sub_type=Product, required=True)
    order_date = Property(datetime, required=True, generator=date_now_generator)

    def before_post(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        order = kwargs['model']
        client = HttpClientServiceProxy('')
        status_code, rsp_dict =, products=order.products))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app_id = f"{Order.__name__} Service"
    kernel = AppKernelEngine(app_id, app=Flask(app_id), development=True)
    kernel.register(Order, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])

Now that you got the taste of Appkernel feel free to dig deeper an deeper using this documentation.